Collection status

Buy your own tree
313 302,58 EUR and
711 707,08 CZK


Actual themes

Actual exchange rate

77 - crown
2,77 €

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Who we are

Our vision

Biosphere consists of large amount of living species and individuals of various organisms. They live here long before human, they had created communities, societies and acquired colective memory to live over various life traps. During bilions years, there arised immense life net on the Earth, where organisms communicate each other, cooperate, fight against one another and so create one superorganism – biosphere.


If you are interested in working in a particular existing tribe or are looking for information regarding the particular area of interest, write either to the tribe itself or get in touch with the headquarters

What have we done

Since there are no such protected areas in Slovakia, where any human activity would be excluded, and hunting and logging take place in each national park and reserve, WOLF is creating a network of private reserves, in which plants and animals have the possibility to evolve their environment towards maximum stability without any human intervention and to live their own proper and undisturbed lives. We call this network Evolution forests®. Our long-term vision is a network of an area of 4,000 km2 (1,500 square miles).