Collection status

Buy your own tree
313 302,58 EUR and
711 707,08 CZK


Actual themes

Actual exchange rate

77 - crown
2,77 €

ekolist po drátě

How to buy a tree?

for help

Please send EUR 50 to our bank account number or send a cheque to our mailing address. Please, let us know your address and we will send you a certificate, sticker and letter of thanks. In case you want to give a tree as a present, please include the person's name and address.

We thank in advance all who, at Christmas time and other holidays, also think of trees, plants, animals and other forest beings.

Account Number

Recipient / Account name Lesoochranarske zoskupenie VLK, 082 13 Tulcik 310
IBAN/BIC SK84 7500 0000 0003 8320 0623 / CEKOSKBX

Our Address

WOLF Forest Protection Movement
c.d. 310, 082 13 Tulcik, Slovakia
Tel/fax: +421-51-7789488

For further information, please, contact