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Our vision

Biosphere consists of large amount of living species and individuals of various organisms. They live here long before human, they had created communities, societies and acquired colective memory to live over various life traps. During bilions years, there arised immense life net on the Earth, where organisms communicate each other, cooperate, fight against one another and so create one superorganism – biosphere.

That all happened without any credit of man. Man hasn't construct the biosphere, he don't understand it nor repair it. He can only accept it and cooperate with it. That Something, built and present without man contribution, is called wildness.

Something man didn't form, he shouldn't even destroy. First of all, wildness has its own value, for its beauty, persistence to live, for its perfection growing for bilions of years.
Wildness is the cultural heritage of the Earth, its like portrait of old master with no one to paint it again.

Forest Charter

The survival of humankind depends on the appropriate functioning of natural ecosystems, including forests, in both the near and distant future. Forests are the evolutionary home for the evolutionary heritage of the majority species on Earth. Saving this heritage is the only people will be able to face their future with dignity.

Forest Charter - Principles

Principles of people's approach towards the forest

Preservation of biodiversity

  • 1.1 It is essential to protect and maintain forest ecosystems at all levels--from microscopic processes to macroscopic processes.
  • 1.2. We have to preserve forest biodiversity within all scales of space and time.

Forest charter - resources

  • Anon. (1993). The forest resources of Slovakia. World Bank report. Annex X.
  • Ashby W.R. (1959). An introduction to cybernetics. Chapman & Hall, London.
  • Astrab J. (1996). Analyza sucasneho hospodarenia v lesoch vybranych dolin Slanskych vrchov a posudenie jeho vplyvu na plnenie vodohospodarskej funkcie lesa. Kosice. [in Slovak].
  • Benes J. (1981). Rizeni rozlehlych systemu. SNTL, Prague. [in Czech].
  • Darwin C. (1979). The origin of species. The Rainbird Publishing Group, Ltd, London.